TCP Prague side-meeting at IETF-106

Date: Thu 21 Nov 2019
Time: 08:30 - 09:45
Room: Canning

Remote attendance: see end.
Meeting Materials will be linked via the tsvwg meeting materials (and here for the interim)

Provisional Agenda

  1. [5 mins] Introduction, and the Prague Requirements
    [Chair: Jana Iyengar]

  2. [5mins] TCP Prague recap, and status of implementation and evaluation [ pdf ]
    [Bob Briscoe]

  3. [30mins] Evaluation results (multi-scenario test suite results that have remained largely unchanged for a couple of years, but we've never had a slot to present them)
    [Koen De Schepper, Olivier Tilmans, Olga Albisser and others (all remote)]

  4. [10mins] Detection of RFC3168 ECN AQM and fall-back to Reno-Friendly behaviour
    [Bob Briscoe, Asad Ahmed and others]

  5. [10mins] Brief pointers to other work in progress, how to get involved, and summary [ pdf ]
    [Bob Briscoe]

  6. [10 mins] Discussion: Is the height of the bar about right in the Prague Requirements?

IETF Note Well applies

Remote attendance:

IETF meetecho is not available for side meetings, but we have arranged a Zoom room.
Link to recording will be made available after the meeting [ here ].

Topic: ICCRG/TSVWG Prague/L4S side meeting 
Time: Nov 21, 2019 08:30 AM Singapore

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