M3I price reaction


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Table of Contents

M3I price reaction


control granularity


separation of concerns

richness of QoS control policy output

richness of QoS control policy input

QoS mapping

QoS mapping user QoS dimensions

QoS mapping application QoS dimensions

network QoS dimensions e.g. RSVP service class

inside QoS control policy

setting QoS control policy

derive demand curve

conjectured effect of wealth on utility

approximations - summary

sanity check security-efficiency compromise

types of reaction




duration charged intserv

‘abc’ charged intserv

congestion charging

congestion charging

price reaction in context

application involvement

user involvement

the meta-object design pattern

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

price reaction conclusions I

price reaction conclusions II

Author: Bob Briscoe

Email: rbriscoe@jungle.bt.co.uk

Home Page: http://www.labs.bt.com/people/briscorj/

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