The Direction of Value Flow in Multi-service Connectionless Networks


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Table of Contents

The Direction of Value Flow in Multi-service Connectionless Networks


why think about this?


what business?

the value of place

top level architecture!

end to end pricing

end to end pricing

service bundling

end-to-end pricing role

default value apportionment

split-edge pricing - per direction

split edge pricing - per class

split-edge pricing - per leg

half-circuit charging

default value apportionment

blame, liability and control

dilemma & solution

clearing across edge providers third party

clearing across edge providers third party

clearing across edge providers iterative

end-to-end model: justification

end-to-end model: justification II

customer bundling model

exception peering


PIG - phone to Internet gateways

alternative now seems obvious...

further information

Author: Bob Briscoe


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