The Direction of Value Flow in Connectionless Networks


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Table of Contents

The Direction of Value Flow in Connectionless Networks


why think about this?


new model for what business?

the value of place

top level architecture!

end to end pricing

end to end pricing

service bundling

end-to-end pricing role

default value apportionment

split-edge pricing - per direction

split edge pricing - per class

split-edge pricing - per leg

cost approximation per domain

interconnect example

default value apportionment

blame, liability & control: multicast

blame, liability & control: unicast

dilemma & solution

clearing across edges: third party

clearing across edges: third party

clearing across edges: iterative

end-to-end model: justification

end-to-end model: justification II

customer bundling model

exception peering


PIG - phone to Internet gateways

connectionless value flow

alternative now seems obvious...

further information

Author: Bob Briscoe


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